24.9% Efficiency on Solar Panels - Claims Jinko

World's Largest Solar Energy Project Will Also Be Its Cheapest | Greentech  Media

Jinko, a solar semiconductor manufacturer claims that they have achieved a record breaking 24.9% of energy conversion efficiency.

The records on conversion efficiency has been climbing slowly in the last decade. Last year before the end of 2020, the efficiencies centered around 22% of energy conversion from light to electricity in the case of Mono Crystalline solar modules.

Jinkosolar Co., Ltd – MESIA

Now in the case of Jinko, they have submitted N Type Mono Crystalline solar modules for evaluation and energy conversion efficiency calculation purposes to Institute for Solar Energy Research at Hamelin, Germany. 

The press release from the manufacturer quotes their certification and claims to have achieved 24.9% efficiency which is a marked improvement and herald a new phase in the growth of solar power plants. With more and more power plants moving towards renewable sources and a very ambitious plan of reducing carbon footprint by 30 to 35% across the world by 2030 under the Paris Charter, this would be a path breaking move forward.

India has also moved forward in establishing large scale solar power plants across the country. Jinko claims Commercial viability may be reached by beginning of 2022 for the claimed efficiency.


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