How India defeated China?
(This is an extract from a history book printed in the year 3030. This is an imaginary story and is not about anyone living or dead. If you think it is not imaginary, then the mistake is yours and not mine.)

I am sure you are as intrigued as I am, on how India defeated China. As a time traveller, I went to the next millennium and grabbed a history book of 7th standard level. And the result is right below!
In those years, around the first century of the third millennium of recorded history, India was a country or a nation as they called it along with 164 others on this planet. India, a democratically administered country and its neighbours China which is a communist agnostic country and Pakistan a pseudo democracy possessed by a religion, were constantly at war.
India fought with China. More with Pakistan. Many times India defeated Pakistan. Though with China, India lost once and could not build a strong army that could defeat the Chinese as easily as they could defeat the Pakis.
These countries fought with India for more land in the cold mountains of Himalayas. Or as they say, India fought with them for the same reason.
Once when China attacked India, India was ruled by a democratically elected person fondly called as Thuqlak II by the people. While Thuqlak I was famous for his wonderful decisions, Thuqlak II took it to a whole new level.
He was already famous for his attack on Pakistan where he ordered his aircrafts to fly under cover of the clouds and drop bombs on every tree that made up a forest. By destroying the forest, he thought that Pakistan will be denied their fair share of rains and therefore, water for agriculture. Anyway, Pakistan was dependent on India for water from the great river Indus.
India claimed victory in that war against Pakistan where Pakistan killed 40 of Indian soldiers and India destroyed a whole forest of over 400 trees and made Pakistan go thirsty for three years!
Such was the wonderful strategy of Thuqlak II that he even defeated the mighty Chinese in a war that lasted for just over 20 days!
Even Chengiz Khan would be stunned by the wonderful war strategy adopted by the greatest Indian leader!
China before attacking India, released a virus into Indian territory. Knowing fully well, that the virus cannot hurt the Indians much because of their great hereditary resistance and the wonderful medical science of vedas, Thuqlak II had to adopt a different strategy to make things possible.
Even before the virus entered the country, he announced a complete stay-home package and promised to help them get their food wherever they are. But, then, people did not know of his strategy. They stayed at home for one full year. Baked their own bread; washed their own cloth. Everyone started living like the legendary Candide of Voltaire, sowing their seed and reaping their harvest!
But how long! they soon ran out of money and had to come out of their homes running! By staying indoors, banning even a walk out of their homes, the great leader had reduced the resistance people had to the virus. Now, it was easy for the virus to catch them! Believe me, this was a wonderful strategy that he adopted.
There was no money with anyone and people were dying now of hunger too! If they were not dead, they were very weak and poor. They had no gold to sell; no silver to glitter!
Many people died either of the virus or of the hunger.
Chinese, unknowingly, started their attack on India and invaded India. Was there any resistance? How will the country resist the invading Chinese? They just walked into the country only to be welcomed by the Virus or by the dead men and women. Men and women were so poor that the Chinese could plunder or burn down nothing. They could not bomb anything!
Even without firing a bullet, millions of Indians were already dead and lying to be either burnt or buried! Chinese soldiers who came in contact were so disgusted that they either died of disgust or they caught the virus only to carry it back home!
What a strategy!
When the news on the death of millions of Indians reached the world news, the whole world was aghast. The propaganda machinery of Tuqhlaq II put the blame squarely on the Chinese for all the death! However hard the Chinese could oppose and claimed not guilty of the death and destruction, the death was real and nobody was buying their story.
Chinese were forced to withdraw from India and sustained a defeat no other country has ever sustained in the history of this planet.
Millions of Indians died but then, dying for the country is not wrong. They died of patriotism for their country. They were honoured by the great leader by lighting up the entire coastline of India and the borders all around. A great Diwali was celebrated immediately after the victory. He even named a day after them, calling it as Mann Day. Mann means Heart in Hindi. Over a period of time, this day has changed its name and is today called all over the world as 'Monday'!
And to top it all, Tuqhlak II filed a case in the International Court of Justice for Reparation cost from the Chinese. The Chinese caused the Indian economy to fall and caused immense death and destruction of millions of people and their livelihoods. After the wonderful presentation by the great leader himself in the court of Justice, India got one of the world's largest reparation of about 100 Trillion dollars!
Such was the greatness of India and that of Tuqhlak II!

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