Ramayana, the real interpretation!
Ramayana is a fight between the Good and the Evil!
Everyone would agree to that statement. No questions!
Rama is the Good and Ravana is the Bad or the Evil.
Many scholars and interpreters of the legend have held that this Good is not something away from you. Rama is one part of Us, the individual. The same way, Ravana is another part of Us!
Human being is a mix of Good and the Evil. Rama is that representation of the Good in every person while Ravana is that representation of the Evil in every person. So, the moral of that story is Good should triumph over the Evil. Every individual should fight against the Evil in him and finally, the Good in him or her should triumph over the Evil in him / her!
Symbolization does not end there!
Ravana’s ten heads are supposed to be ten desires that ‘man’ the evil in humans. What are these ten desires? Desire for woman / man is the first in the series. Desire for money or wealth, desire to grab land, desire for power over people, for food, for sleep or laziness, for grandeur, for prowess – to display prowess, to say that you are the greatest in your chosen sphere of activity, desire for pride and finally, the desire to be good! Being good is also a desire! You cannot be good to everybody. Can you?
All these desires are the root causes of all evil in man. And so, if the Good has to win, it has to destroy all these ten desires or Ravana and then, only then, the Good can triumph over the Evil.
Unfortunately, we have lost ourselves in the symbols of Rama and Ravana rather than what they preach and teach!
Every man is the temple where Rama lives and Ravana also lives. Not the temples that are constructed and consecrated by Vedic mantras. To think that they are the temples while body is not, stems out of the ignorance of what makes up the God!
Some may say, that this is valid for Adwaitha and not Dwaitha where God is separate from the Universe. While for Adwaitha, both God and the Universe are one and they believe in that singularity where both merge together.
Even under the Dwaitha where God is different from the Universe, everything in Universe is ONE and came out of God. While so, how could a temple be different from a mountain? How could a statue be different from rock? How could a dog be different from a cow? One sees God’s creation in everything. And that everything exists for the sake of Him, the God! So where is your purpose? And there is no purpose for you. Only God has purpose!
Rama has a very deep meaning, unfortunately, we have trivialized him and lost the real meaning of Ramayana!

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