Have religions reached their expiry date?

God and Religion are two different things!

I could see how these two got merged. If you look at the way the world has progressed from the days of old stone age to a civilised society, it is no rocket science to see why religions took their birth.

But before that let us first hit at why and how God was 'discovered' or 'invented'!

It looks quite logical to me. By the very definition of God, it is said, He was the person who made this Universe and the numerous other things that make it up. From the black holes to the stars, from the planets to the lifeless, from the insects to the humans, he made them all! This is the definition.

Even if you approach logically, it just seems right that there should be someone or something or may be, many things that made the Universe. This could be one single individual or as a few others believe, thirty three crore Gods! Either way, there should be something that made the universe? It is quite logical that there is something that made the universe.

Or can it all exist by itself? The only other alternative. But of course, being what we are, limited by our own experiences and thoughts, we presume that things could not have existed without any reason or logic.

And by definition, God made this universe! Therefore, there cannot be very many questions as to the existence of God. It seems logical, after all! There is no need to question the definition.

And as to the Religion? Let us take the definition.

Religion is defined by some as the way or path to God! God by definition, is the person who created us and therefore, our boss! How many of us will be interested in meeting our boss?

As most religions define, the D-day or the judgment day is always something that is feared. Not something that is sought after! Fear the Judgment day! Is it not how the religions frighten us? To say that they would lead one to God seems to be a long shot.

But there is another definition of Religion that also goes around! Many religions claim that they are a way to lead ones life. Hindus claim that their religion is a way to lead a life. Many Muslims also claim that their religion is primarily a guide on how to live. As a matter of fact, if you analyse, most religions claim to be the path for a 'better life'.

The more you think about it, this definition of the Religion fits in and explains the many incidents that happened in the history of religions.

When religions took their birth, there was no rule of law on this planet. People had their own rules and laws. Kings created new rules and laws as well. Romans had one. The same way every major empire did. But then, there was nothing that could transcend borders of kingdoms and crossed seas and oceans. Religions did just that.

As a matter of fact, in Hinduism, the thought is all about how to lead a life of dharma! What is Dharma? And how it has to be adopted is what the religious texts profess. Secondly, religions tell us if you do not follow the dictums laid down in the texts, you are anti-law or adharma and you need not be spared. Adharma is destroyed. Has to be destroyed! If we do not destroy it, God will destroy it.

No religion tolerates people who do not obey their laws, obviously. Islam, Hinduism, Christianity! You name them. They are supposed to be that way. Religions were primarily laws for living!

And that also explains why Jesus was crucified by the Romans. Will any country tolerate people who do not obey their laws and who tells others not to follow them but follow some other law? That's treason, my dear sir! Naturally, Jesus had to be crucified so that others would be deterred from trying such a thing.

It also explains why religions proselytise. From the days of yore, it is better for you if the world follows the same norms that you follow. Therefore, tell the other guy, let us all subscribe to the same law! Appears quite logical, after all!

God was needed in Religion to ensure that people followed the laid down principles. Some religions used God to threaten. A few others tried to show the carrots! Dainty ladies in heaven for your exclusive 'use'. But then, what is in it for the ladies of the world? Don't ask questions. You are being blasphemous! So they invented a new word, in lieu of treason but equally, deadly!

Well it all seems to fall in place!

God has nothing to do with religion. Religion was the law or the constitution that the society could follow. I recently read a piece by a Christian Bishop on how Christianity is the Constitution for the society!

Now, with every nation coming up with its own constitution and laws, the need for religion is actually under serious question. Do not confuse God and Religion! Within a country, we all follow the same constitution. Why have a religion at all? Have God if you want. Pray to him in your own way. But rules should be the ones laid down by the constitution. The need for religious rules and regulations are a thing of the past.

Don't you thing that the Religions have reached their expiry date!


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