Black Tax Economy

Black Money is money earned by an individual or a citizen without the knowledge of the government of his country! White money is what he earns with the knowledge of his government and pays tax for. Similarly, Black Tax is that income which the government gets without the knowledge of the common man of their country! While the white tax is the one that the government collects directly from its citizens. You may be wondering, is there any income that the government might get beyond the known taxes. Yes, there are many that would of course, be brought under the accounts but might be pretty far from proper utilization! Black Tax, like black money, is very harmful for the economy, in the sense that it generates black money; it is the source of creation of inequality; using this the government misappropriates public wealth which could go to anybody’s kitty and so on. In short, many activities that have negative connotations have their beginnings in Black Taxes! ...